
The Society  ESQE  was approved after the evaluation work carried out by the National Quality Institute NQI , as the National Institute is the official governmental body supporting the public and private production and service sectors in the official authorities in accordance with the decision of the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt for the year 2012 Where the Society ESQE  was approved for training and qualification of quality systems under No NQI TC347/187 The training and rehabilitation sector for members and orgnizationsis one of the sectors of the society for scientific and professional services, where the Egyptian Society of Quality Engineers works to provide scientific and professional services related to the fields of engineering and quality management



About Us

Preparing an applicable and measurable model at the level of industrial and service institutions in Egypt and working on professional development And the sustainable culture of employees, those interested and affiliated with the field of quality in its various engineering and administrative disciplines It is the mouthpiece of professionals and specialists in Egypt As well as the effective contribution to the advancement of the Egyptian economy in a way that positively affects the lives of the broad base of the people, from: Through human development, providing development projects and solutions, and participating in decision-making and economic legislation , based on the integration between professional performance and the civilized values ​​of an effective business environment

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